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New Call Reporting Dashboard


Oliver Clutterbuck
July 27, 2022

Today, we are excited to announce the preview of our new Call Reporting dashboard.

Our team of developers have been busy working on this new feature that will make call reporting easy for users.

Existing portal users can access Call Reporting by clicking on ‘Reporting’ and then ‘Call Reporting’, as it’s shown below.

call recording

New dashboard view

The new dashboard gives insights into call activity across the business, plus the ability to select up to 3 months of historic data.

Call Reporting


Here are some of the new reports you can access with the new feature:

Total placed calls

Show by hour or by day, filter on inbound, internal and outbound.

Total Placed Calls
Total duration

Show duration of calls by hour or day.

Total Duration

Select range to zoom in and drag selection around to focus on different periods.

Calls by User

Show by minutes or quantity and filter on inbound, internal and outbound.

Calls By User
Calls by Destination

Show distribution of outbound calls by minutes or quantity.

Calls by Destination
Cradle to Grave

Click on any data point in a graph to display those calls. Show who made the call and first point of contact. Click on the row to drill down and show all the points the call went through, where it eventually was answered and on what device. The data also shows call quality statistics for each leg of the call including mos, jitter, packet loss and latency.

Cradle to Grave Edit

What’s next?

call recording eN 8

We’ll keep you updated with all the new features and releases in the coming months on our news page and on our LinkedIn.

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