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How to set up holiday schedules in eve Voice


Oliver Clutterbuck
March 31, 2023

Our latest feature release lets users configure what they want to happen to groups on public holidays using eve Voice‘s new bank holiday time schedule.

Just 3 simple steps to set up holiday schedules

To configure this new feature, users of the portal will need to follow these simple steps

  1. Go to the schedules page as usual and select ‘bank holidays’.
  2. Select which public holidays you want to apply the schedule to.
  3. You’ll then be presented with the normal options of closed, open, forward as well as the the ability to add a prompt.

And just like that, you’re all set up. 

A couple of things to note

All public holidays for England and Wales are automatically loaded into the eve portal for you to choose from. Future support for Scottish and Northern Ireland holidays will be added soon, we’ll keep you updated here on the blog when this is available. 

Please remember schedules are listed in priority order so a bank holiday schedule should be listed at the top of all schedules.

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